Monday, August 21, 2006

Ko bile lagi Rozie???

Ko bile lagi Rozie?
so many ppl asked me this question already.

Still doesnt know what this question is all about..
let me tell u..ENGAGEMENT!!huhu

Last nite, I went to my bestfriends' engangement party..well..not a party, it was actually a kenduri. It might looked like a small wedding or majlis akad nikah if u didnt know it's a majlis pertunangan. So as usual, when i told my fren bout going, the ever-so-famous question would be "Ko bile lagi Rozie?" and to which i would answer "Lame lagilaa" or "Ape tanye aku, tanyela Abg Dzul" ;) ..Guess what my friend answered me back?
"Eii si dzul ni bile lagi..bwk anak dara org ke hulu ke hilir!"
ahakss..n when i did go to the majlis pertunangan, the same question was thrown at me..not only once, or twice, but few times!huhu..

sometimes, i even answered, "eh,kalo bende2 tu tayah pakai duit lame dh tau!" ..hehe
which is correct..cos if u wanna get engaged, and get married, it's gonna cost u more than 20K!Whowwww..gone all the days where marriage only requires "hantaran perkahwinan", small dowries (less than 3k) and small kenduri.

Wish life is as simple as when i was in Uni. yeahh,no need to think bout all those things. Enjoy enjoy enjoy..heheh..that was how i lived my uni life. Might not sounds fair to those who studied so hard (but didnt get the pointer they wanted) rite?As for me, well..i was not really a very the rajin student, always "tuang kelas" and so on, but i did enjoy my uni life to to the maximum. (but sometimes there's a voice in my head saying "kalo aku stadi bebetol dlu, mesti aku bole dpt result gempak") . Yup, it makes me wonder, if i push myself a lil bit more..JUST a lil bit more..what would happen?But, that was the past, so no point regretting rite. Might as well live the live as it is, enjoy it, cherish it, and always appreciate the ppl around you.

To my pressure still enjoying my "singlehood"..
..well..for the moment at least ;P

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