Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Rozie's A Series of Unfortunate Events Part 1

I'm having a headache...
coz i broke my specs!huwaaaaaaaaaaaa

I was at odie's house for his engagement...
in the room, with ratna, when i took out my specs,
and put it on..
GONE! It's gone!Just like det!
excuse me..not really gone as in silap mata yer..
but it is now broken nonetheless..
and im practically blind.

it saddened me a lil actually..
coz i bought that specs with my sweetie.
back then, we were actually still in the process of getting to know each other..
already a couple, but still shy2 one, still "control2", not really comfortable in our own skin at that time (compared to now).

wow..that was TWO years back..
hmm..yes..it's time to change to new specs already.
ive been putting this off for few months already, but it seems that the time has come for me, to change to a new specs.
haaa..what kinda specs i wanna get ya?
hehe..thinking of "cikgu" spec..
like the frame..eventho it's gonna make me look like a nerdy.
contact lenses?
tried it before..painful for my eyes..
better stick to the specs, i think.

to the "speckies" out there..
take care of ur specs..

1 comment:

Dils said...

I say speks forever!